
Brandon's 21st

at Coco Lounge in Glen Waverley
let's start off with this blurry pic that I didn't retake because I didn't want to be standing there taking a picture of a sign while people watched and also because bokeh?? photography? art? I don't know
off to a great start with my blog posts as always

it was like a posh chill affair, yea the dress code was like smart casual
look at all these guys in their smart casual

honestly I feel like it's very possible that in the future I will just rock up to one of these events in a tshirt and ripped jeans
on a scale of 1-10 how awks would that be rate and comment

as you can see Homan and I both took the smart casual thing literally with a smart shirt and a very casual tie
everybody grabbed some drinks from the bar and also signed the guest book
B's girlfriend Sam was so busy the whole night doing everything like taking these polaroids and other photos, I hope she got some good rest after haha, poor girl

some bubbly and also cocktails, which had a lot of fruit in them
I would prefer less fruit and more alcohol but hey that's just me
ya we sat and caught up for a lot of the night, it was pretty chill

this was the interior, very loungy
one of the more loungier places I have been to

as usual, all of us signing the card during the actual thing
I mean I was too and I was the one who made the card

this was the card I made for B
it's based on a game called Portal

Kat not buying what you're selling version 2
for version 1 go to Vi's 21st b'day post LOL

Brandon actually asked me to take photos of the event on the night and turns out he asked like 5 different people actually and didn't really need everybody to haha
I even went up to strangers to take their photos! I never talk to strangers
how dare you make me do this. OFFENSIVE. HATEFUL
lmao I kid

yea there were canapé's coming out all night, I totally stuffed my face
they were pretty tight

this doofus

later on we all went and watched videos that Sam had asked B's friends to put together
Judith has a pretty funny story about trying to put our Mount Group's vid together, she showed me all the bloopers and WOW it was a huge effort
I think you can watch it here on Judie's blog http://quaverbeats.blogspot.com.au/2014/12/brandons-birthday.html

Brandon and Sam
the b'day dude and dudette

alcohol !
it was a pretty cool night, felt v. adult, I love pretending I'm an adult sometimes
til next blooog

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