

So, being exam time, it's hard to meet up with other people because everybody's busy as all hell trying desperately not to fail their exams. Well, except for me. Mine are still a month away AHAHA.

Wynne, being the nice friend that the rest of us aren't, rounded us all up to surprise Judith at Tarng for a birthday dinner. Poor Judie, her birthday always falls right in the midst of exam prep.

Wynne recommended Tarng because they have a massive screen which constantly plays K-POP, of course Judie loved it. It was a pretty quaint place. They had sunflowers on the wall.
Judie asked me to take a pic of this band, they're her favourite I think. I have no idea who they are. I'm about as familiar with the world of K-POP as I am with the internal organs of migrating sea whales.

Our group.
I don't know what's wrong with Selina, but LOL at Judie's face in the background.


BULGOGI. I love this stuff, it's the best. If you know me, then you'll know I have the chilli tolerance of a baby. I sweat when I eat like, pepper. It's pathetic. I don't even know why I'd bother eating Korean food. So I basically hoarded the bulgogi like a crazy caveman who'd never eat anything ever again. Whoever ordered it, GOD BLESS YOU.

Baby octopus. Love these too.

Then we brought out the cake. It was beautiful but really liqueur laden. I couldn't understand the incomprehensible word vomit coming out of Homan's mouth, so I went ahead and Googled it just then. It's the 'Torta'.

Zee gurls.

Zee guise.

What's up with your face, Homan

Afterward we relocated to MC. As Selina and I were walking there I realised we had lost our card. I forgot to bring tape, so I kinda just tucked it into the ribbon on the present and hoped it would stay. It didn't.
By the time I went back to look for it and found it back outside Tarng, someone had been kind enough to leave a giant footprint on the back of it, LOL.
Anyway Judie received a bunch of presents.

This table was seriously massive, I felt like we were Knights of the Round Table. I was too lazy to walk all the way down, so I simply held my arms out and zoomed in as far as I could. The extents of my laziness...sigh. I should get out more.

"No photo preesh."
Joey made these bracelets for Judie, they were so intricate, it was amazing. They must've taken literally hours and hours.

Judie and Joey.

Judie channeling Vogue.

I thought the table had an interesting pattern.
Choo's present. You can see the childish glee on Judie's face, haha.

Judie's card from everyone.

CAKE POPS. They're also called cake balls LOL. I gotta try some. I'll help you decorate them Judie :D and obviously eat the rest.

Selina's letter. It was a pretty slick letter, it was full on vintage and you needed like one of those letter opener knives to open it and shit and I think it had a wax stamp too. Pree cool stuff.

Here was my card, you can tell it's incomplete. It's the thought that counts...right?

And the meloooodicaa. It makes the most hilarious sound ever. Like in cartoons when they accidentally step on a cat's tail.

After that we didn't really wanna go home, so we sat around MC and talked.
You can read about it and also see her bake pops on Judie's brogaz here.
Even though this is like 2 months late, I just edit the date to make it look like I posted it on time LOL. I'm sorry.
Time to brog moar.

1 comment:

  1. hehe thanks for posting about this Eddy ^^ and thanks for the awesome present!
