today we went to see this movie
becoming quite the blockbuster movie series, this one is
I still remember Selina and I desperately dashing down main roads like crazy idiots to catch the first one last year
quite a few of us turned up this time, we went to Village Glenny
I forgot to mention in the last post, but Brandon actually went overseas back home for the holidays
So that's Jo, B and soon Jess
me annoying everybody with my camera's autofocus red bulb
my Choc Top
I still get them whenever I go to the movies even though they're almost $5 each now
after the movies we went to eat at Straits of Malacca
I didn't take many photos because I'm a terrible photographer
and I was starving
but here's my smoothie and Judie's ice kacang
bumped into a friend unexpectedly, and then we parted our separate ways to go home
just a short post today, movie & dinner
oh and in case you haven't heard, the movie is aBSOLUTELY AMAZING GO SEE IT NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T