

Is it just me, or are there an awful lot of birthdays as the year comes to an end?

Some friends of mine had a scrapbook kind of thing in the the works for my friend Chooi-Ee, so I again attempted to watercolour.
It didn't turn out too well.

I kind of gave up at this stage since it was around 5 AM, and I actually completed the card on the bus to the BBQ we planned for her. I went over it with fine-liner, so it turned out OK I suppose.
I just don't have the patience for watercolours or paints...

Then a few days later, it was my friend Brandon's birthday, and Chooi-Ee put together a really awesome card for him ^__^
This was my contribution..

It was kind of short notice so I ended up starting at

I saw the sun rise.

It was so much more epic than that, but my camera sucks, blah blah.

As for the actual days themselves, they were really fun. It's nice to hang out with friends outside of school, hopefully we can go out more especially since I have no life.

I experimented with long exposure on my camera, since the light was. Non-existent. There is no light at 4am in the morning.

Haha, it was pretty fun. I'M A GHOST.
I can't wait till I get a proper camera.
it will be awesome.
Although, I was supposed to write my resume today...instead I got majorly distracted. I've downloaded so much new music recently, I've barely listened to any of it...
gotta get a job if I want that camera.

'til next time,


free, finally.

I finished my exams last Friday, hooray.
Ever since then I seem to have fallen into a lull, motivation seems to escape me. Instead of the proactive, self-motivated adult I imagined in my mind I've become a listless, tired hobo.
Part of this is due to the fact I actually didn't get into my desired course, Communication Design at RMIT. Turns out I did get the email from RMIT, a while ago, but it somehow ended up in my junk folder. Lucky I found it in time, or else I wouldn't have ever known at all; quite a horrifying thought.
Ever since I found out I've fallen back into my anti-social, semi-depressive ways...I've been intentionally avoiding all social media since I don't want to talk to anyone right now...
I'm sad.
Still, there's nothing I can do about it so I guess I just have to shrug it off. I'll be heading around to various universities this week to perhaps see what else I can do, especially if I end up needing to change my course preferences. Also I'll probably treat myself to a bit of retail therapy.

I had a somewhat therapeutic morning cleaning up my room, listening to Fleet Foxes. Very calming.
Guess what, there's still clay EVERYWHERE.
I draw in all my schoolbooks during class; here are some random snippets.

I also drew in my diary a lot.

LOL. Me and Katrina drew a moogle head on our calculators during maths, we were that bored.
You can see all the equations in the top left, I placed them all on top of each other.

I think that's it for now..

On Saturday my dad took my brother and I out for dinner to this Greek restaurant, Alatsi Salt.
It was OK. I ate more when I got home, since we ordered a seafood platter and I suck at eating seafood. Like, seriously. I just sat there and dipped bread into random dips. My dad's talking about taking us travelling for a few months next year. I hope it doesn't interfere with Uni. Not that I care very much at this point.

I think I could just eat tzatziki endlessly.

Going out to a Japanese restaurant with my Japanese class tonight! I'm pretty excited, I love Japanese food. Guess I should go get ready soon.
Till next time,



I realised I haven't really posted any good pictures of my journal here. And I want to, since it took so freakin' long to make so you know what 


I should really stop being so nocturnal. It'd probably be nice if I woke up before 3pm on my own volition. Also I think the lack of sunlight and/or any actual natural light could be somewhat detrimental to my wellbeing.
The above is an example of what happens when I try to study - I get distracted and doodle on random bits of paper. I'm currently listening to Florence + the Machine's new album Ceremonials. It's good AWESOME. I've had it endlessly on repeat for the past week or so...
Also I managed to chow through the first season of Arrested Development during the exam period. It's pretty OK I guess, but I dunno. Am I not funny or something? Most of the humour is lost on me.

I stuck it in my journal and I'm thinking of doing more with it...maybe after exams...but probably during. I'm lazy.



Hello all!
This is my mood right now...

Freedom seems almost within my grasp...it's so difficult to gather up motivation to study...

Today I had my art exam and it was...okay. I could've done better, I didn't write very eloquently and I misread one of the questions and had to start again. And by misread, I mean that I analysed a completely different artwork than the one stated by the question. woops.
At night I was invited to the 2011 MWSC Arts Awards evening, which was pretty good! It featured the best art from across the year levels, and other stuff, it wasn't a bad way to spend an evening which should have been spent studying, ahaha.
I won some things.
I edited out my face for your viewing pleasure.

Is it somewhat ironic that I bought my art supplies from Zart Art. No? I wouldn't know, irony escapes me.

That's pretty much it from me...I suspect my life will be fairly non-eventful until exams are over and even less eventful after that. Artistically, I don't have anything going on right now; here's something I did in the holidays, but I never posted it on my blog because it was so embarrassing. Some people found it anyway so you know what, whoop-de-doo.

Ew, you can see my face, what on earth was I thinking?
If any of you are wondering, the music I used was To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra...
This happened rather spontaneously one very early morning...the scene at the start...I think it was 5am? That's why the lighting was kinda terrible. I think I ran it through a multitude of weird video makers; I spent ages and ages searching for one that was easy to use and user-friendly since Windows Movie Maker can't display the file type my camera films in, BUT I COULDN'T FIND ANY RAAAWRGH.
It was so frustrating, I just gave up in the end, so there you have it, the final product.



I took pictures of other stuff lying around my room.
I forgot the name of this one. It's like a spiky ball though.

This one's a mushroom. It was surprisingly difficult to make.

This one is a spiral, it elongates when you squeeze it in the middle.

And this one's called a firework.

And this is why.

It flips inside out, wheeeee!
It's my happy origami family.

My next few posts will probably be similar to this. I wish I had time to be arty.


A Sporadic Post

Hello there!
Just a shoutout to those kind people who commented on my blog recently; thank you so much for your comments, they really made my day!

I should really be studying right now, but I'm finding I have a rather blasé attitude towards revision...my first exam is Art, and after looking at the exams and assessor's reports, it's largely opinion-based. As long as you provide a sufficiently strong argument, anything you say is correct. Like, what?
So I can't really be bothered studying for it. However I probably should, as VCAA has determined that the theory side of art is worth 50% of your final grade. Blah. I disagree with this decision, the art side should be worth way more, but meh.

So anyway, as a way of procrastinating, I've dug up some random stuff, some of which is forgotten blog content and some of which is entirely arbitrary.

Perhaps these images require a little explanation? 
The second image is from the day of my Japanese Oral Exam; we stole marbles from Big W. So hardcore, right? The card me and Judith made for our Japanese teacher is behind it; unfortunately we neglected to take photos of it and the other card. Bummer.
The last images are things I drew to try and spice up my blog. I like black and white images, they somewhat hide bad lighting.
And the weird third image...I think I was trying to take a photo of the moon.
Go my photography skills.

I think that's about all I have...I'll save the rest for another post, perhaps. I'll go study now. It's 1:30 am.

P.S. Whilst browsing my photos I found these images of when I was working on my sculptures.

Hrmm...the graphite left a pretty large stain on my fingers...not too bad though, right?

...oh dear.